D&d character sayings

1. "By the power of my ancestors, I shall prevail!"

2. "In the name of the gods, I will smite our enemies!"

3. "Fortune favors the bold, and I am the boldest of them all!"

4. "I may be small in stature, but my courage knows no bounds!"

5. "Let the dice fall where they may, for fate is on our side!"

6. "With sword in hand and fire in my heart, I will not be defeated!"

7. "Through darkness and danger, I will be the light that guides us."

8. "I fight not for glory or gold, but for the safety of my companions."

9. "In the face of evil, I stand strong and unwavering."

10. "Adventure awaits, and I am ready to face it head-on!"

Above is D&d character sayings.

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Conceited sayings for guys

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