Dallas cowboys cheerleaders sayings

Here are some popular sayings associated with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders:

1. "Ready, Set, Go Cowboys!"

2. "We've got the spirit, yes we do, we've got the spirit, how 'bout you?"

3. "Blue and silver, we're the best, Cowboys fans, above the rest!"

4. "Cowboys pride, never hide, cheer loud and cheer with pride!"

5. "We're the cheerleaders in blue and white, Cowboys fans, let's unite!"

6. "Cowboys nation, stand up tall, cheer loud, we'll never fall!"

7. "Dallas Cowboys, number one, cheerleaders shining in the sun!"

8. "From the field to the stands, Cowboys fans, clap your hands!"

9. "Blue and silver, strong and true, Cowboys fans, we love you!"

10. "Cheer loud, cheer strong, Cowboys fans, all day long!"

Above is Dallas cowboys cheerleaders sayings.

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1. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. - Henry Ward Beecher2. Thank you for being the reason I smile. 3. In the garden of kindness, gratitude is the most beautiful flower. 4. Thank you for your kindness and generosity, it means the world to me. 5. I am grateful for