Damnation sayings

1. "Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

2. "May you be condemned to the depths of despair for all eternity."

3. "May your soul be forever tormented in the fires of hell."

4. "May you be cursed to wander the earth as a lost soul, never finding peace."

5. "May your sins weigh heavy on your soul, dragging you down into the abyss."

6. "May you be cast out from the light, forever condemned to darkness."

7. "May the flames of hell consume you, burning away all that is good within you."

8. "May you be eternally damned, never to find redemption or salvation."

9. "May your name be forgotten and your deeds be condemned for all time."

10. "May the wrath of the underworld be unleashed upon you, punishing you for your sins."

Above is Damnation sayings.

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