Darryl kerrigan sayings

Darryl Kerrigan is a character from the Australian film "The Castle," known for his unique and humorous sayings. Here are some of his memorable quotes:

1. "It's the vibe of it."

2. "Tell him he's dreaming."

3. "How's the serenity?"

4. "This is going straight to the pool room."

5. "That's going straight to the pool room."

6. "It's not a house, it's a home."

7. "We're going to Bonnie Doon!"

8. "It's the Constitution, it's Mabo, it's justice, it's law, it's the vibe and, uh... no, that's it... it's the vibe."

9. "This is going all the way to the High Court."

10. "I'm not an ideas man, I'm a dreamer."

These sayings have become iconic in Australian pop culture and are often quoted by fans of the film.

Above is Darryl kerrigan sayings.

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