Darth vader wine sayings

1. "I find your lack of wine knowledge disturbing."

2. "Join me, and together we can enjoy this fine vintage."

3. "I sense a great wine in you, young sommelier."

4. "I am altering the wine list, pray I don't alter it any further."

5. "The force is strong with this bottle."

6. "I will show you the power of the dark grape."

7. "I am your wine father."

8. "I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and fine wine to my new empire."

9. "You underestimate the power of a well-aged Cabernet."

10. "I find your lack of appreciation for this wine disturbing."

Above is Darth vader wine sayings.

Old sayings like under the weather

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Australian sheila sayings

1. Fair dinkum - means something is genuine or true.2. G'day mate - a common greeting meaning hello.3. No worries - means it's not a problem or no need to worry.4. Strewth - an expression of surprise or disbelief.5. She'll be right - everything will be okay.6. Bloody oath - an expression

Acnh villager sayings

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12 steps sayings

1. One day at a time.2. Let go and let God.3. Easy does it.4. Progress, not perfection.5. Keep it simple.6. First things first.7. Live and let live.8. This too shall pass.9. Just for today.10. Turn it over.11. Keep coming back.12. Faith without works is dead.

Native american poems about welcome sayings

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1. Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart but in it. 2. Family is not defined by our genes, it is built and maintained through love. 3. Adoption is when a child grows in its mommy's heart instea

Cheerleader signs sayings

1. Go team go!2. Proud to be a cheerleader3. We've got spirit, yes we do!4. Cheer loud, cheer proud5. Victory starts with us6. Cheer for the win7. Rah rah sis boom bah8. Support the team, cheerleader style9. We believe in our team10. Cheerleaders bring the energy

Waheguru ji sayings

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Silly expressions sayings

1. Crazier than a bag of cats.2. As nutty as a fruitcake.3. Crazy as a loon.4. Off your rocker.5. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.6. A few fries short of a Happy Meal.7. Not playing with a full deck.8. One sandwich short of a picnic.9. A few clowns short of a circus.10. Not the

Kid shirt sayings

1. Future Superhero2. I'm Kind of a Big Deal3. Little Explorer4. Too Cool for School5. Mommy's Little Monster6. Daddy's Little Princess7. Wild Child8. I Make Mommy and Daddy Crazy9. Future Rock Star10. Born to Stand Out