Deadbeat dad sayings funny

1. "I'm not a deadbeat dad, I'm just on a permanent vacation from responsibility."

2. "I may not be there for my kids, but at least I'm consistent in my absence."

3. "I'm like a ghost dad - you never see me, but I still haunt your mom for child support."

4. "I'm not a deadbeat dad, I'm just financially challenged in the parenting department."

5. "I may not be the best dad, but at least I'm setting a low bar for my kids to surpass."

6. "I'm like a superhero dad - I only show up when it's convenient for me."

7. "I'm not a deadbeat dad, I'm just practicing my disappearing act for the circus."

8. "I may not be winning any father of the year awards, but at least I'm a contender for deadbeat dad of the year."

9. "I'm like a dad on a budget - I can't afford child support payments, but I can still buy myself nice things."

10. "I may not be the most involved dad, but at least I'm consistent in my lack of effort."

Above is Deadbeat dad sayings funny.

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