Deadbeat dads quotes sayings

1. "A real man takes care of his children, no matter what."

2. "Being a father is not just about making a child, it's about taking responsibility for that child."

3. "Real fathers don't abandon their children, they stand up and provide for them."

4. "A father's job is to be present, not just a paycheck."

5. "Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad."

6. "Deadbeat dads may walk away, but they can never escape the shame of abandoning their own flesh and blood."

7. "Children don't need a perfect father, they just need a present one."

8. "A father's love is measured by his actions, not his words."

9. "Deadbeat dads may think they're free, but they're actually prisoners of their own irresponsibility."

10. "Real men don't run away from their responsibilities, they face them head-on."

Above is Deadbeat dads quotes sayings.

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