Deadlift quotes and sayings

1. "The deadlift: because picking things up and putting them down is just the beginning."

2. "The deadlift is more than just a lift, it's a test of strength, determination, and mental toughness."

3. "The deadlift doesn't care how much you lifted yesterday, it only cares about what you can lift today."

4. "Deadlifts: the ultimate test of raw power and strength."

5. "When in doubt, deadlift it out."

6. "The deadlift: where the iron meets the will."

7. "Deadlifts don't lie, they show you exactly where you stand."

8. "The deadlift is not just an exercise, it's a way of life."

9. "Deadlifts: because strong is the new sexy."

10. "The deadlift: where excuses go to die."

Above is Deadlift quotes and sayings.

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