Deal breaker sayings

1. "I don't believe in monogamy."

2. "I don't want kids, ever."

3. "I'm not interested in having a job or career."

4. "I don't believe in sharing household responsibilities."

5. "I have a history of cheating in past relationships."

6. "I have a substance abuse problem."

7. "I don't believe in compromise in a relationship."

8. "I have a controlling personality."

9. "I have a history of domestic violence."

10. "I don't believe in communication in a relationship."

Above is Deal breaker sayings.

Funny trash sayings

1. Trash talk is my love language.2. I'm not trashy, I'm just environmentally friendly.3. Trashy but classy.4. I'm like a trash can - full of surprises.5. Trashy on the outside, treasure on the inside.6. Trashy is the new trendy.7. One person's trash is another person's treasure, but in

Aussie sayings for being in there quick

1. In like Flynn2. Quick as a flash3. Like a rat up a drainpipe4. Like a bull at a gate5. In the blink of an eye6. Like a shot7. Like a bat out of hell8. Quick as a wink9. Like a rocket10. In a jiffy

Perfect sayings twitter

1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs3. Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. - Sam Levenson4. The

Cute good luck sayings for football players

1. Kick some grass and show them who's boss!2. May your cleats be swift and your goals be plenty.3. Play like a champion today and every day.4. May your passes be accurate and your tackles be fierce.5. Leave it all on the field and bring home the win.6. Go out there and make your fans pro

Italian romantic sayings

1. Ti amo più della mia stessa vita. (I love you more than my own life.)2. Sei la mia anima gemella. (You are my soulmate.)3. Il mio cuore batte solo per te. (My heart beats only for you.)4. Senza di te, il mio mondo non ha senso. (Without you, my world makes no sense.)5. Sei la mia stella

Lose quotes and sayings

1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

Nursing school sayings funny

1. Nursing school: where caffeine and tears are the main food groups.2. I can't, I have clinicals.3. Sleep is for the weak, and the non-nursing students.4. Studying for a nursing exam is like trying to drink from a firehose.5. I have enough care plans to write a novel.6. My nursing school

Sayings like oh dear

1. Oh my goodness2. Oh no3. Oh boy4. Oh dear me5. Oh heavens6. Oh gosh7. Oh goodness gracious8. Oh my word9. Oh my stars10. Oh my gracious

Positive sayings during tough times

1. This too shall pass.2. Tough times don't last, but tough people do.3. Every storm runs out of rain.4. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.5. You are stronger than you think.6. Believe in yourself and all that you are.7. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.8. You

Christmas card sayings lights

1. May your Christmas be merry and bright, just like the twinkling lights on the tree.2. Wishing you a holiday season filled with the warm glow of love and the sparkle of Christmas lights.3. Sending you joy, peace, and lots of light this Christmas season.4. May the lights of Christmas illumin