Dehydration and drinking alcohol sayings

1. "Alcohol is a diuretic, so remember to hydrate!"

2. "Dehydration and alcohol don't mix well, so drink water in between drinks."

3. "Stay hydrated to avoid the dreaded hangover after a night of drinking."

4. "Water is your best friend when it comes to staying hydrated while enjoying alcohol."

5. "Don't let dehydration ruin your night out - drink water throughout the evening."

6. "Hydrate before you dehydrate - keep a water bottle handy when drinking alcohol."

7. "Alcohol can dehydrate you quickly, so make sure to replenish with water."

8. "The key to avoiding a rough morning after drinking is to stay hydrated."

9. "Balance your alcohol intake with water to prevent dehydration and feel better the next day."

10. "Don't forget to hydrate while enjoying a few drinks - your body will thank you."

Above is Dehydration and drinking alcohol sayings.

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Back to school apple sayings

1. An apple a day keeps the teacher at bay.2. You're the apple of my eye, school.3. An apple for the teacher is a sweet gesture.4. A fresh start to the school year is as crisp as a juicy apple.5. Knowledge is the fruit of learning, just like an apple is the fruit of a tree.6. Teachers pla

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1. I'm not a werewolf, I just have a lot of body hair.2. I'm not a morning person, I'm a werewolf.3. I'm not hairy, I'm just rocking my werewolf look.4. I'm not howling at the moon, I'm just singing along with my inner werewolf.5. I'm not a werewolf, I just have a tendency to get a little h

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Sayings about jockeys

1. A good jockey doesn't need orders and a bad jockey couldn't carry them out anyway. - Lester Piggott2. A jockey is a little man with a big heart and a lot of courage. 3. The race is not always to the swift, but to the jockey who can ride the best race. 4. Jockeys are the unsung heroes of th

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Smooth like butter sayings

1. Smooth as butter.2. Butter me up.3. Butter wouldn't melt in their mouth.4. Spread like butter.5. Smooth like silk, rich like butter.6. Slicker than butter on a hot skillet.7. Butter smooth moves.8. Butter up the conversation.9. Butter them up before you ask for a favor.10. Butt

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Occupational therapy quotes sayings

1. Occupational therapy enables people to live life to its fullest. 2. Occupational therapy is not just a job, it's a passion to help others achieve their goals. 3. Occupational therapy: empowering individuals to participate in meaningful activities. 4. In occupational therapy, we don't just

Deep russian sayings

1. Тише едешь, дальше будешь. (Tishe edesh', dal'she budesh') - The quieter you go, the further you'll get.2. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. (Luchshe sinitsa v rukakh, chem zhuravl' v nebe) - Better a titmouse in the hand than a crane in the sky.3. Семь раз отмерь, один раз отреж