Delightness quotes and sayings

1. "Delight in the little things."

2. "Find joy in the ordinary moments."

3. "Happiness is found in the simplest of pleasures."

4. "Let your heart be filled with delight."

5. "Embrace the beauty of everyday life."

6. "Choose to see the world through eyes of delight."

7. "Savor the sweetness of life's moments."

8. "Find delight in the journey, not just the destination."

9. "Let your soul be nourished by moments of delight."

10. "May your days be filled with laughter and delight."

Above is Delightness quotes and sayings.

Glass of red wine sayings

1. Wine is bottled poetry. - Robert Louis Stevenson2. In wine, there is truth. - Pliny the Elder3. Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it. - Anonymous4. Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. - Benjamin Franklin5. Life is too short to drin

Best james bond sayings

1. Bond. James Bond.2. Shaken, not stirred.3. The name's Bond, James Bond.4. I never joke about my work, 007.5. You only live twice.6. The world is not enough.7. Diamonds are forever.8. Live and let die.9. A martini. Shaken, not stirred.10. I think he got the point.

Cats and dog sayings

1. Curiosity killed the cat.2. The cat's out of the bag.3. Let the cat out of the bag.4. Fight like cats and dogs.5. The cat's meow.6. Like herding cats.7. A cat has nine lives.8. The cat's whiskers.9. The cat's pajamas.10. Every dog has its day.11. Barking up the wrong tree.12

Clever belated birthday sayings

1. Better late than never! Happy belated birthday, hope it was worth the wait!2. I may be late to the party, but my wishes for you are right on time. Happy belated birthday!3. Sorry for the delay, but my birthday wishes for you are as genuine as ever. Belated happy birthday!4. Fashionably lat

Catching my drift sayings

1. Are you picking up what I'm putting down?2. Do you feel me?3. Are you tracking with me?4. Are you following my train of thought?5. Are you on the same wavelength?6. Are you getting the gist?7. Are you on board?8. Are you understanding where I'm coming from?9. Are you vibing with

Imam mohammad taqi as sayings

Imam Mohammad Taqi (also known as Imam Ali al-Hadi) was the tenth Imam of Shia Islam. Here are some sayings attributed to him:1. The best of deeds is that which is done purely for the sake of Allah.2. Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet.3.

Armenian sayings weed through the shit to find

Առանց աղջկանության առաջ չի հասնում առանց կանաչ հասնում (Aranj aghjkanutyan araj chi hasnum aranj kanach hasnum) - Translation: Without going through the filth, one cannot reach the beauty.

Funny sayings about sleeping

1. I'm not a morning person, I'm not a night owl, I'm just a perpetually exhausted pigeon.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.3. I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed.4. Sleep is my love language, and my bed is my soulmate.5. I don't always sleep, but when I d

Car window sayings

1. Adventure awaits2. Life is a journey, enjoy the ride3. Not all who wander are lost4. Happiness is an open road5. Drive with purpose6. Escape the ordinary7. The road less traveled8. Let's go on an adventure9. Find your own path10. Drive safe, arrive alive

Alcohlics anonymous sayings

1. One day at a time.2. Keep it simple.3. Progress, not perfection.4. Easy does it.5. Let go and let God.6. Just for today.7. Keep coming back, it works if you work it.8. Surrender to win.9. Turn it over.10. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.