Depressed sayings about love

1. "Love is a beautiful lie that ultimately leads to heartbreak."

2. "In the end, love only brings pain and disappointment."

3. "Love is a cruel joke played on those who dare to believe in it."

4. "The deeper you fall in love, the harder you crash when it all falls apart."

5. "Love is a poison that slowly destroys everything it touches."

6. "To love is to invite suffering into your life."

7. "Love is a fleeting illusion that leaves nothing but emptiness in its wake."

8. "The only thing love guarantees is heartache and regret."

9. "Love is a black hole that consumes everything good in its path."

10. "In the end, love is just a temporary escape from the harsh realities of life."

Above is Depressed sayings about love.

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