Deputy dawg sayings and quotes

Here are some popular sayings and quotes from Deputy Dawg:

1. "I'm the law 'round these parts, and don't you forget it!"

2. "There ain't no crime too big or too small for Deputy Dawg to handle."

3. "I may be small, but I pack a big punch when it comes to fighting crime."

4. "I always get my man, no matter how slippery he may be."

5. "You mess with the law, you mess with Deputy Dawg!"

6. "I may not be the smartest dog in the pack, but I sure know how to catch a crook."

7. "Crime doesn't pay, and Deputy Dawg is here to make sure of that."

8. "I may be a deputy, but I'm the top dog when it comes to keeping the peace."

9. "In this town, I'm the sheriff, the judge, and the jury. And I always deliver justice."

10. "When trouble comes knockin', Deputy Dawg comes rockin'!"

Above is Deputy dawg sayings and quotes.

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Deep quotes and sayings tumblr

1. The wound is the place where the Light enters you. - Rumi2. The only way out is through. - Robert Frost3. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars. - Unknown4. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. - Unknown5. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.