Desi arnaz quotes sayings

1. "Luck? Sure, I believe in luck. How else can you explain the success of those you dislike?" - Desi Arnaz

2. "I love Lucy, and she loves me. We're as happy as two can be." - Desi Arnaz

3. "I would rather regret the things I have done than the things that I have not." - Desi Arnaz

4. "The most important thing in life is to love what you're doing, because that's the only way you'll ever be really good at it." - Desi Arnaz

5. "You have to be able to laugh at yourself. That's what I tell my kids all the time." - Desi Arnaz

6. "I take things as they come and find the good in them." - Desi Arnaz

7. "I don't think anyone can teach you how to act. You learn it by doing it." - Desi Arnaz

8. "I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous." - Desi Arnaz

9. "I have found that the only thing that does bring you happiness is doing something good for someone who is incapable of doing it for themselves." - Desi Arnaz

10. "The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret." - Desi Arnaz

Above is Desi arnaz quotes sayings.

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