Dillbake northern sayings

Here are some northern sayings that you might hear in regions like Northern England or Scotland:

1. "By 'eck, it's brass monkeys out there!" - It's very cold outside.

2. "Aye, it's grim up North." - Referring to the tough or challenging conditions in the northern regions.

3. "There's nowt so queer as folk." - People can be strange or unpredictable.

4. "It's like talking to a brick wall." - When someone is not listening or understanding.

5. "Put wood in t'ole." - Close the door.

6. "It's chucking it down." - It's raining heavily.

7. "Don't get your knickers in a twist." - Don't get upset or worried.

8. "I'm off to see a man about a dog." - Excuse to leave without giving details.

9. "It's a bit nippy." - It's cold.

10. "Well, I'll go to the foot of our stairs!" - Expressing surprise or disbelief.

Above is Dillbake northern sayings.

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