Diner sayings

1. "Order up!"

2. "Coffee's on the house."

3. "What can I get for you, hon?"

4. "Specials of the day are..."

5. "Save room for dessert!"

6. "How do you like your eggs?"

7. "Enjoy your meal!"

8. "We're cookin' with gas now!"

9. "Just like mom used to make."

10. "The customer is always right."

Above is Diner sayings.

Feeling sayings

1. The only way out is through.2. This too shall pass.3. Every storm runs out of rain.4. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.5. Tough times never last, but tough people do.6. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.7. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.8. The sun will

Sayings for 30 year olds

1. Life begins at 30.2. Thirty, flirty, and thriving.3. Thirty is the new twenty.4. Aging like fine wine at 30.5. In my thirties and loving it.6. Thirty and fabulous.7. Embracing the wisdom of 30.8. Thirty years young.9. Turning 30 is a milestone, not a millstone.10. Living my bes

Greek sayings about friendship

1. Ο φίλος στη δυστυχία φαίνεται. (A friend is known in adversity.)2. Φίλος εστίν ό συμφέρων. (A friend is a second self.)3. Ο φίλος είναι ο άγγελος που μας βοηθά να πετάξουμε. (A friend is the angel that helps us to fly.)4. Ο φίλος είναι ο καθρέφτης της καρδιάς μας. (A friend is the mirror

One of favorite sayings in architecture

Form follows function.

Honey badger funny sayings

1. Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a sh*t!2. Honey badger is like a boss, taking what it wants and not apologizing for it.3. Honey badger: fearless, fierce, and fabulous.4. Honey badger doesn't need luck, luck needs honey badger.5. Honey badger: living life on the wild side

啶?啶?啶?啶多え啶?sayings in hindi

1. जीवन का लक्ष्य सिर्फ जीना नहीं, बल्कि जीवन को जीना है।2. कोई भी काम करने से पहले उसे अच्छे से सोचें, फिर काम करें।3. समय का महत्व समझो, क्योंकि समय एक बार गया तो वापस नहीं आता।4. अपने सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए मेहनत करो, नकली रास्ते नहीं।5. जीवन में सफलता पाने के लिए आत्मविश्वास और परिश्रम दोनों

Sayings for leaving something alone

1. Let sleeping dogs lie.2. Let it be.3. Don't poke the bear.4. Leave well enough alone.5. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.6. Mind your own business.7. Don't rock the boat.8. Sometimes it's best to just walk away.9. Let it go.10. Don't stir the pot.

Derek acorah sayings

Derek Acorah was a well-known British medium and television personality known for his work in the field of paranormal investigations. Some of his famous sayings include:1. The spirit world is all around us, waiting to communicate with us.2. Love never dies, it transcends time and space.3. Trust

Instinct sayings pokemon go

1. Trust your instincts when choosing which Pokémon to catch.2. Follow your instincts to find rare Pokémon in the wild.3. Listen to your instincts when deciding which Pokémon to power up.4. Your instincts can guide you to the best strategies in battles.5. Sometimes your instincts will lead

Good dad birthday card sayings

1. Happy Birthday to the best dad in the world! Your love and guidance mean everything to me.2. Dad, you are my hero and my role model. Wishing you a birthday filled with joy and happiness.3. To the man who has always been there for me, Happy Birthday Dad! You are truly one of a kind.4. Dad,