Dirty bowling sayings

1. "I may not be the best bowler, but I sure know how to knock 'em down."

2. "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to win."

3. "I bowl like I live my life - with a little bit of chaos and a whole lot of fun."

4. "I didn't come here to play nice, I came here to dominate."

5. "I may look innocent, but my bowling game is anything but."

6. "I throw strikes like it's my job... because it is."

7. "I'm not afraid to get a little dirty on the lanes to get the win."

8. "Bowling is my game, and I play it rough."

9. "I may not have the cleanest technique, but I sure know how to get the job done."

10. "I'll knock 'em down and leave 'em wondering what hit 'em."

Above is Dirty bowling sayings.

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