Disc golf funny sayings

1. "I throw like a ninja...a ninja with a hangover."

2. "My disc has a mind of its own...and it's not very smart."

3. "I'm not lost, I'm just exploring the rough."

4. "I'm not sure if I'm playing disc golf or just hiking with a purpose."

5. "My putting game is so bad, even the trees feel sorry for me."

6. "I didn't choose the disc golf life, the disc golf life chose me...and then promptly hit me in the face."

7. "I'm not a bad player, I just have a unique way of scoring."

8. "I'm not superstitious, but I always avoid the water hazard like it's filled with sharks."

9. "I don't need luck, I have skill...okay, maybe a little luck wouldn't hurt."

10. "I may not be the best disc golfer, but I'm definitely the most entertaining to watch."

Above is Disc golf funny sayings.

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Sayings that will blow your mind

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1. Güzel şeyler düşün, güzel şeyler olur. (Think beautiful thoughts, beautiful things happen.)2. Güneş her gün yeniden doğar. (The sun rises again every day.)3. Güzel insanlar, güzel düşüncelerle dolu kalpleri olanlardır. (Beautiful people are those with hearts filled with beautiful thoughts.)

Onesies with sayings on them

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