Dishonored selected sayings of the overseer

1. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

2. "The outsider walks among us. Deny him, and you deny the Seven Strictures."

3. "In the end, we all bear the Outsider's mark."

4. "The heretic's brand is upon you. Repent, or face the cleansing flames."

5. "The Abbey teaches us that the void is the source of all heresies."

6. "The outsider's gifts are nothing but temptation and corruption."

7. "The heretic's words are poison to the mind, leading us astray from the Seven Strictures."

8. "In the darkness, the outsider's whispers grow louder. Stay vigilant, brothers and sisters."

9. "The void is a place of chaos and madness. We must resist its temptations at all costs."

10. "The outsider's influence must be purged from our world, lest it corrupt us all."

Above is Dishonored selected sayings of the overseer.

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