Disney evil queen sayings

Here are some iconic sayings from Disney's Evil Queen character:

1. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"

2. "A perfect apple, my dear, is the key to a man's heart."

3. "Jealousy is a powerful emotion, my dear. Use it wisely."

4. "Beauty is fleeting, but power is eternal."

5. "There is no room for weakness in my kingdom."

6. "I will do whatever it takes to remain the most powerful in the land."

7. "Trust no one, for betrayal lurks around every corner."

8. "Only the strongest survive in this world, my dear."

9. "Appearances can be deceiving, my dear. Always be on your guard."

10. "I am the queen, and my word is law. Cross me at your own peril."

Above is Disney evil queen sayings.

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