Distance love sayings for him

1. "Even though miles may separate us, my love for you knows no distance."

2. "No matter how far apart we are, my heart is always with you."

3. "Distance means so little when someone means so much."

4. "I may not be by your side, but I am always in your heart."

5. "Our love is like the wind, I can't see it but I can feel it no matter where I am."

6. "Distance cannot diminish the love I feel for you."

7. "In the sea of distance, our love remains a strong bond."

8. "The miles between us only make our love stronger."

9. "No matter the distance, my love for you will always be constant."

10. "I may not be there in person, but my love for you bridges the gap between us."

Above is Distance love sayings for him.

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