Ditch sayings

Sure, here are some alternatives to common sayings:

1. Instead of "actions speak louder than words," you could say "deeds outweigh declarations."

2. Instead of "the early bird catches the worm," you could say "persistence pays off."

3. Instead of "don't count your chickens before they hatch," you could say "don't celebrate prematurely."

4. Instead of "a penny for your thoughts," you could say "share your perspective."

5. Instead of "don't cry over spilled milk," you could say "let go of the past and move forward."

6. Instead of "kill two birds with one stone," you could say "achieve multiple goals with one action."

7. Instead of "better late than never," you could say "better to arrive prepared than rushed."

8. Instead of "you can't judge a book by its cover," you could say "look beyond appearances."

9. Instead of "easy come, easy go," you could say "value what you earn."

10. Instead of "the grass is always greener on the other side," you could say "appreciate what you have."

Above is Ditch sayings.

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