Divide and conquer quotes and sayings

1. "Divide and conquer is the secret of all power." - Julius Caesar

2. "Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

3. "Divide and conquer is a strategy to control people by making them fight against each other." - George Washington

4. "Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book of power politics." - Amit Abraham

5. "Divide and conquer, the politician cries; unite and lead, is watchword of the wise." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

6. "Divide and rule, the politician cries; unite and lead, is watchword of the wise." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

7. "Divide and conquer is a strategy used by those who seek to maintain power by creating division among the people." - Unknown

8. "Divide and conquer is a tactic used by those in power to maintain control over the masses." - Unknown

9. "Divide and conquer is a strategy that has been used throughout history to weaken opposition and maintain power." - Unknown

10. "Divide and conquer is a tactic that pits people against each other, making them easier to control and manipulate." - Unknown

Above is Divide and conquer quotes and sayings.

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