Diy onesie sayings for girls about their dads

1. "Daddy's little princess"

2. "Daddy's girl, forever and always"

3. "Daddy's sidekick"

4. "Daddy's mini-me"

5. "Daddy's little love bug"

6. "Daddy's little sunshine"

7. "Daddy's heart in human form"

8. "Daddy's greatest creation"

9. "Daddy's little angel"

10. "Daddy's world, I just live in it"

Above is Diy onesie sayings for girls about their dads.

Dirty life quotes and sayings

1. Life is messy, but that's where the beauty lies. 2. In the dirt and chaos of life, we find our true selves. 3. Life isn't always clean and neat, but it's always worth living. 4. Embrace the messiness of life, for that's where growth happens. 5. Life is like a dirty mirror, sometimes we n

Sayings about jars

1. A jar full of patience is worth more than a pot of gold.2. You can't pour from an empty jar.3. Like a jar of pickles, sometimes you have to go through a little sourness to reach the sweetness.4. Don't judge a jar by its label.5. Life is like a jar of buttons, you never know what you're g

Cute theatre sayings

1. Break a leg!2. The show must go on.3. All the world's a stage.4. Lights, camera, action!5. Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.6. Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.7. Theatre is the art of looking at ourselves.8. In the theatre, you create a moment an

Sir carl wilhelm siemens sayings

Here are a few quotes attributed to Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens:1. The world is full of opportunities, and I want to take advantage of them all.2. Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnes

Art famous quotes and sayings

1. Every artist was first an amateur. - Ralph Waldo Emerson2. Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. - Thomas Merton3. Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. - Pablo Picasso4. The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. - P

Beautiful relationship sayings

1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller3. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

Funny slow pitch softball sayings

1. I throw slower than a sloth on sleeping pills.2. My pitches are so slow, they have time to stop for a snack on the way to the plate.3. My arm moves slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.4. My pitches are so slow, the batter has time to call their mom and ask for hi

New shoes quotes and sayings

1. Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. - Marilyn Monroe2. Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life. - Unknown3. Shoes are not just accessories, they are a way of life. - Christian Louboutin4. You can never have too many shoes. - Unknown5. A j

Diarrhea funny sayings

1. I'm not feeling well, I must have a case of the 'runs'.2. I'm on a liquid diet...thanks to my friend, Diarrhea.3. My stomach is having a party and everyone's the bathroom.4. I'm experiencing a 'code brown' emergency.5. I'm feeling like a faucet that won't turn off.6. My st

Smart alec sayings quotes

1. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.3. I'm not a smart alec, I'm just highly intelligent in a sarcastic way.4. I'm not a know-it-all, I just know a lot.5. I'm not being difficult, I'm just being selectively cooperative.6. I