Do common english sayings translate well in italian

Some common English sayings can be translated directly into Italian and still make sense, while others may not have direct equivalents in Italian. Here are a few examples of common English sayings and their Italian translations:

1. "Break a leg" - In Italian: "In bocca al lupo" (literally means "in the mouth of the wolf")

2. "Bite the bullet" - In Italian: "Mordere il freno" (literally means "to bite the bit")

3. "Kill two birds with one stone" - In Italian: "Prendere due piccioni con una fava" (literally means "to catch two pigeons with one bean")

4. "Piece of cake" - In Italian: "Pane e salame" (literally means "bread and salami")

5. "Cost an arm and a leg" - In Italian: "Costare un occhio della testa" (literally means "to cost an eye from the head")

While some sayings may have direct translations, others may require a bit of explanation or may not have direct equivalents in Italian.

Above is Do common english sayings translate well in italian.

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