Domestic violence quotes sayings

1. "Domestic violence is not a private matter. It is a crime." - Unknown

2. "Love shouldn't hurt. Domestic violence is never okay." - Unknown

3. "Domestic violence is a human rights issue, not a private matter." - Unknown

4. "There is no excuse for domestic violence. It is never justified." - Unknown

5. "Domestic violence thrives in silence. Speak up, break the cycle." - Unknown

6. "Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that can be broken. Seek help, you are not alone." - Unknown

7. "Real men don't abuse women. Real women don't abuse men. Real love is not violent." - Unknown

8. "Domestic violence is a crime that affects us all. Let's stand together to end it." - Unknown

9. "You are not weak for seeking help. You are strong for breaking the cycle of abuse." - Unknown

10. "Domestic violence is a choice, not a mistake. Choose love, not violence." - Unknown

Above is Domestic violence quotes sayings.

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