Dominican mother sayings

1. "Dios te bendiga, mijo/a" (God bless you, my child)

2. "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta" (Don't bite off more than you can chew)

3. "El que mucho habla, poco acierta" (The one who talks a lot, doesn't hit the mark)

4. "A mal tiempo, buena cara" (In bad times, put on a good face)

5. "Más vale prevenir que lamentar" (Better safe than sorry)

6. "Cada oveja con su pareja" (Birds of a feather flock together)

7. "El que no llora, no mama" (The squeaky wheel gets the grease)

8. "En boca cerrada no entran moscas" (Silence is golden)

9. "El que mucho se ausenta, pronto se olvida" (Out of sight, out of mind)

10. "La confianza da asco" (Trust is disgusting)

Above is Dominican mother sayings.

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After holiday sayings i hoped you have a great time

That's a lovely sentiment! Here are a few more after-holiday sayings you can use:1. I hope your holiday was filled with joy and laughter.2. Wishing you a smooth transition back to reality after the holidays.3. May the memories of this holiday season warm your heart throughout the year.4. Here