Don 't count your chickens before they hatch similar sayings

1. Don't put the cart before the horse.

2. Don't cross the bridge before you come to it.

3. Don't count your blessings before they hatch.

4. Don't jump the gun.

5. Don't build castles in the air.

6. Don't speak too soon.

7. Don't make plans before the deal is sealed.

8. Don't celebrate before the victory.

9. Don't assume the outcome before it happens.

10. Don't anticipate the result prematurely.

Above is Don 't count your chickens before they hatch similar sayings.

Soccer shirts sayings

1. One team, one dream2. Play like a champion3. Soccer is life4. Hustle, hit, never quit5. Fearless on the field6. Winning is a habit7. Defend with honor, attack with purpose8. Heart of a lion, feet of a dancer9. Sweat, sacrifice, success10. Respect all, fear none

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Seneca sayings

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Icing on the cake and other sayings

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