Don cherry famous sayings

Don Cherry, a former ice hockey player and coach, is known for his colorful personality and outspoken opinions. Some of his famous sayings include:

1. "Keep your head up."

2. "If you want to play with the big boys, you've got to pay the price."

3. "Hockey is a tough game. If you're going to be dumb, you've got to be tough."

4. "It's not who wins or loses, it's who gets the blame."

5. "You've got to be a good guy to be a good hockey player."

6. "You've got to be a good Canadian boy to play in the NHL."

7. "You've got to be a good Canadian kid to make it in this league."

8. "If you can't beat 'em in the alley, you can't beat 'em on the ice."

9. "You've got to have a little bit of dirt under your fingernails to play this game."

10. "The only way to win is to score more goals than the other team."

Above is Don cherry famous sayings.

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