Don rickles famous sayings

Don Rickles, known as the "Merchant of Venom," was famous for his sharp wit and comedic insults. Some of his most famous sayings include:

1. "I take the audience for a ride, but I don't hit below the belt."

2. "You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it."

3. "I don't practice; I don't rehearse. I don't have any writers. I just walk out and insult people."

4. "I'm not a big one for jokes. I can't tell a joke to save my soul. My act is like a party. I just walk out and insult people."

5. "I don't drink much. I'm a terrible drunk. I become a maniac. I'm a terrible drunk. I don't drink."

6. "I don't insult people. I tell them the truth."

7. "I don't have any friends. I don't want any friends. I don't need any friends. I don't have any friends."

8. "I don't like to insult people. I like to make them laugh."

9. "I don't like to be called a comedian. I'm an actor who happens to be funny."

10. "I don't like to be called a legend. I'm just a guy who's been around a long time."

Above is Don rickles famous sayings.

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