Don t forget me quotes and sayings

1. "Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future." - Corrie Ten Boom

2. "Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than to remember me and cry." - Dr. Seuss

3. "Don't forget the happy thoughts, all you need is happy thoughts." - Peter Pan

4. "The heart may freeze or it can burn, the pain will ease if I can learn, there is no future, there is no past, I live this moment as my last." - Jonathan Larson

5. "I hope you never forget me, but if you do, I hope you remember the good times we had." - Unknown

6. "Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then don't remember me at all." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

7. "Don't forget the past, learn from it. Don't dwell on the future, create it." - Unknown

8. "The best thing about memories is making them." - Unknown

9. "Remember me when I am gone away, gone far away into the silent land." - Christina Rossetti

10. "Don't forget the moments that once made you smile, because those are the ones that truly matter." - Unknown

Above is Don t forget me quotes and sayings.

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