Dont judge me sayings

1. "Don't judge me by my past, I don't live there anymore."

2. "Before you judge me, make sure you're perfect."

3. "Don't judge me based on your ignorance."

4. "Don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes."

5. "I'm not perfect, but I'm trying my best. Don't judge me for that."

6. "Don't judge me for the chapter you walked in on. You haven't read the whole book."

7. "Don't judge me for my choices when you don't understand my reasons."

8. "Don't judge me for the battles I've fought, until you know the scars I bear."

9. "Don't judge me for the mistakes I've made, judge me for how I've learned from them."

10. "Don't judge me for being different, celebrate me for being unique."

Above is Dont judge me sayings.

Peer sayings

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