Doomfist sayings

1. "Only through conflict do we evolve."

2. "I am the one-punch man."

3. "I will make my enemies tremble."

4. "My fists will break you."

5. "The world is my battlefield."

6. "I bring destruction in my wake."

7. "You cannot escape my grasp."

8. "I am the hand of doom."

9. "I will crush all who oppose me."

10. "Prepare for the reckoning."

Above is Doomfist sayings.

Porcupine sayings

1. I may be prickly on the outside, but I have a soft heart.2. Don't get too close, or you might get a sharp reminder.3. I'm not one to be messed with, my quills are my defense.4. I may be small, but I am mighty.5. I'll stick by you through thick and thin.6. I'm not afraid to stand my gro

Sayings like use it or lose it

1. Practice makes perfect.2. If you don't use it, you lose it.3. Use it or lose it.4. Stay sharp or get dull.5. Keep exercising your skills or they'll fade away.6. Keep your mind active or it will stagnate.7. Stay on top of things or fall behind.8. Keep your knowledge fresh or it will

Cute sayings for girls with images

1. Be your own kind of beautiful. (Image of a girl smiling)2. She believed she could, so she did. (Image of a girl reaching for the stars)3. You are a diamond, dear. They can't break you. (Image of a diamond)4. Embrace the glorious mess that you are. (Image of a girl with messy hair)5. You

Soccer sayings in spanish

1. El fútbol es un deporte de equipo. (Soccer is a team sport.)2. La pelota no se mancha. (The ball does not stain.)3. El fútbol es pasión. (Soccer is passion.)4. Ganar no lo es todo, es lo único. (Winning is not everything, it's the only thing.)5. El fútbol es un juego de 90 minutos. (Soc

With my son in toe sayings

1. Like father, like son.2. Teaching my son the ropes.3. Following in my footsteps.4. My little sidekick.5. Daddy's little helper.6. Two peas in a pod.7. Making memories with my mini-me.8. Bonding with my boy.9. Raising a gentleman.10. Creating a legacy together.

Funny diplomatic sayings

1. Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock. - Will Rogers2. Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way. - Daniele Vare3. Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions. - Winston Churchill4. Diplom

Slaying sayings

1. Slay all day, every day.2. Slaying is my cardio.3. Slay the haters with your success.4. Slay the game, leave a trail of glitter.5. Slay like a queen, rule like a boss.6. Slaying is not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.7. Slay your own dragons, princess.8. Slay in your own lane.9. Slay t

Cholo sayings in spanish

Here are some common cholo sayings in Spanish:1. ¿Qué onda, vato? - What's up, dude?2. Chale, carnal - No way, bro3. ¡Órale, güey! - Come on, man!4. No mames, güey - Don't mess around, dude5. Chinga tu madre - Screw you6. Vete a la verga - Go to hell7. Pinche pendejo - Stupid idiot8.

Cute sayings for him on valentine& 39

1. You're the key to my heart, Valentine.2. I love you more than words can express, Valentine.3. You make my heart skip a beat, Valentine.4. You're my favorite kind of Valentine, sweet and loving.5. I'm so grateful to have you as my Valentine, my love.6. You're the chocolate to my Valenti

Christmas coloruring sayings

1. Tis the season to be jolly!2. Merry and bright!3. Joy to the world!4. Ho ho ho!5. Peace on earth, goodwill to all.6. Let it snow!7. Believe in the magic of Christmas.8. Warm wishes for a happy holiday.9. Fa la la la la, la la la la!10. May your days be merry and bright.