Drdisrespect sayings

1. "Violence. Speed. Momentum."

2. "The two-time, back-to-back."

3. "You're looking at the face of Twitch, the gaming god."

4. "Get a grip, get a grip!"

5. "I'm the face of Twitch, the gaming god. The two-time, back-to-back."

6. "We're at the tippity-top of the mountain, and we're only halfway up."

7. "The arena's wide open, Champions Club. Let's dominate."

8. "I'm the most ruthless competitor in the online gaming community."

9. "The name's Doctor Disrespect, and you're looking at the two-time back-to-back Blockbuster Video Game Champion."

10. "Firm handshakes all around, Champions Club."

Above is Drdisrespect sayings.

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