Drowned god sayings about

Here are some sayings attributed to the Drowned God from the religion of the Ironborn in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series:

1. "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."

2. "We do not sow."

3. "The sea is our mother, and she provides for her children."

4. "The Drowned God will take what is his."

5. "In the sea, all men are equal."

6. "The iron price is the only price worth paying."

7. "A man who pays the iron price is a true man."

8. "The storm is coming, and we are the storm."

9. "The sea is a harsh mistress, but she rewards those who are faithful."

10. "The Drowned God's halls are vast and dark, but they are filled with glory for those who are brave enough to seek them."

Above is Drowned god sayings about.

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