Drug addict quotes and sayings

1. "Addiction is a monster that lives inside you, feeding on your pain and fears."

2. "The chains of addiction are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken."

3. "Addiction is a lonely road, but recovery is a journey shared with others."

4. "The first step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem."

5. "Addiction doesn't just affect the addict, it affects everyone around them."

6. "Recovery is hard, but living with addiction is harder."

7. "Addiction is a prison where the walls are built by your own hands."

8. "You can't defeat addiction alone, but you can start by reaching out for help."

9. "Addiction is a temporary escape that leads to a lifetime of pain."

10. "The only way out of the darkness of addiction is to find the light of recovery."

Above is Drug addict quotes and sayings.

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