Drunker than sayings

1. "Drunker than a skunk in a moonshine factory."

2. "Drunker than a sailor on shore leave."

3. "Drunker than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest."

4. "Drunker than a squirrel in a beer garden."

5. "Drunker than a hoot owl in a whiskey barrel."

6. "Drunker than a rodeo clown on payday."

7. "Drunker than a frat boy on spring break."

8. "Drunker than a possum at a fruit stand."

9. "Drunker than a monkey with a bottle of rum."

10. "Drunker than a politician at a fundraiser."

Above is Drunker than sayings.

Overcoming quotes and sayings

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