Dublin ireland sayings

Here are some common sayings and phrases associated with Dublin, Ireland:

1. "Sure look it" - Used to express resignation or acceptance of a situation.

2. "Grand" - Meaning good or fine.

3. "How's the form?" - A greeting asking how someone is doing.

4. "Deadly" - Meaning great or fantastic.

5. "Craic" - Fun or enjoyment, often used in the phrase "What's the craic?"

6. "Feck" - A mild swear word, often used in place of "fuck."

7. "Sláinte" - Cheers or good health, often said when toasting with a drink.

8. "Gobshite" - A term used to describe someone who talks nonsense.

9. "Acting the maggot" - Behaving foolishly or mischievously.

10. "Ah, go 'way outta that" - Expressing disbelief or skepticism.

Above is Dublin ireland sayings.

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