Duck gender reveal sayings

1. "Quack or quack not, it's a boy/girl!"

2. "Waddle it be? Boy or girl, we shall see!"

3. "Feathers fly, it's a boy/girl in disguise!"

4. "Duck or drake, what will it take?"

5. "A splash of blue or a touch of pink, what do you think?"

6. "The pond is buzzing, it's a boy/girl we're discussing!"

7. "With a quack and a flap, reveal the gender in a snap!"

8. "Feathers ruffled, gender revealed, the secret is finally unsealed!"

9. "From the pond to the nest, the gender reveal is the best!"

10. "A duckling in blue or a duckling in pink, let's raise a toast and give a wink!"

Above is Duck gender reveal sayings.

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