Dutch sayings about nephews

1. "Een neef is een vriend voor het leven." (A nephew is a friend for life.)

2. "Een neef is een geschenk uit de hemel." (A nephew is a gift from heaven.)

3. "Met een neef heb je altijd plezier." (With a nephew, you always have fun.)

4. "Een neef is als een zonnestraal op een regenachtige dag." (A nephew is like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day.)

5. "Een neef is een stukje van je hart buiten je lichaam." (A nephew is a piece of your heart outside your body.)

Above is Dutch sayings about nephews.

Cribbage sayings like level pegging

1. Two for his heels - Referring to a player being two points away from winning the game.2. Nineteen and a belly full - When a player is one point away from winning the game.3. One for his nob - When a player scores one point for having the Jack of the same suit as the starter card.4. Fifteen

Happy friendship day quotes and sayings in hindi

1. दोस्ती एक ऐसी चीज है जो हमें खुशियों की जगह देती है। 2. दोस्ती में खुशियां बाँटने का मजा ही कुछ और है। 3. दोस्ती का रिश्ता एक खुशनुमा ख्वाब है जो हमेशा साथ रहता है। 4. दोस्ती का सच्चा मतलब है, एक दूसरे के साथ हंसी-खुशी बिताना। 5. दोस्ती में रंग भरे होते हैं, जो जीवन को खुशियों से भर देते

Do you want to sayings

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Mother and daughter tattoo sayings

1. Like mother, like daughter2. A bond that can't be broken3. Forever connected, always together4. Two hearts, one love5. My mother, my daughter, my friend6. A love that transcends generations7. Through thick and thin, always by your side8. In each other's hearts, forever9. The stro

Happy monday pictures and sayings

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Cheesy valentines day sayings music

1. You're the melody to my heart's song.2. You make my heart sing like a love ballad.3. Our love is like a beautiful symphony, playing in perfect harmony.4. You're the rhythm to my love beat.5. Dance with me to the tune of our love.6. You're the music that fills my soul with love.7. Our

Krishna sayings in telugu

1. మనసును నియంత్రించండి, లోకం నియంత్రించడం కాదు.2. మనసు నిర్మాణం చేయండి, మనసు నాశనం చేయకూడదు.3. నిజమైన జ్ఞానం అందుకోండి, అంధంగా ఉండకూడదు.4. సత్యం మరియు ధర్మం పాలన చేయండి, మనం ఉద్ధారం కావాలి.5. ప్రేమ మరియు సహానుభూతితో ఉండండి, లోకం మెరుగుపడగలి.

You're the salt to my pepper sayings

You're the salt to my pepper, the perfect seasoning to my life.

Popular sayings about men

1. Boys will be boys.2. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.3. A man's home is his castle.4. Behind every great man is a great woman.5. Men are from the neck up, women are from the neck down.6. Men are like wine, they get better with age.7. Men are like steel, when they lose their t

Edgar allen poe sayings

Here are some quotes by Edgar Allan Poe:1. All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.2. I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.3. We loved with a love that was more than love.4. The death of a beautiful woman is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.