Easter card sayings for friends

1. "Wishing you a hoppy Easter filled with joy and laughter!"

2. "Easter blessings to my egg-cellent friend!"

3. "Hoping your Easter is as sweet as chocolate and as colorful as Easter eggs!"

4. "You're one of my favorite peeps! Happy Easter!"

5. "May your Easter be filled with love, happiness, and lots of chocolate!"

6. "Easter is a time for friends to come together and celebrate. So grateful to have you in my life!"

7. "Sending you Easter wishes wrapped in love and friendship."

8. "Here's to an egg-citing Easter filled with fun and friendship!"

9. "Wishing you a basket full of happiness this Easter, my dear friend."

10. "Easter is a reminder of new beginnings and the beauty of friendship. So grateful for you, my friend!"

Above is Easter card sayings for friends.

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Sufi sayings in hindi

1. जो खुदा को ढूंढ रहा है, वह खुदा है।2. जिसने अपने दिल को साफ रखा है, उसे हर जगह खुदा मिलता है।3. मोहब्बत में खुदा की तलाश मत करो, बल्कि मोहब्बत में खुदा को पाओ।4. जो अपने दिल की सुनता है, वह खुदा की आवाज सुनता है।5. जो अपने दिल को खोजता है, वह खुदा को पाता है।