Easter sayings for church bulletins

1. "He is risen! Rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord."

2. "Celebrate the hope and joy of Easter with us."

3. "May the blessings of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy."

4. "Join us in worship as we celebrate the victory of Christ over death."

5. "Easter: a time of renewal, redemption, and rejoicing."

6. "Let the light of Christ's resurrection shine brightly in your life this Easter."

7. "Wishing you a blessed and joyful Easter season."

8. "He has conquered death, let us celebrate the victory of our Savior."

9. "May the love of Christ fill your heart this Easter and always."

10. "Rejoice in the risen Lord and the promise of new life."

Above is Easter sayings for church bulletins.

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