Ego quotes sayings
1. "The ego is the false self - born out of fear and defensiveness." - Deepak Chopra
2. "Ego says, 'Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace.' Spirit says, 'Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.'" - Marianne Williamson
3. "The ego is a veil between humans and God." - Rumi
4. "The ego is the biggest enemy of humans." - Rig Veda
5. "Ego is just like dust in the eyes. Without clearing the dust, we can't see anything clearly." - Buddha
6. "Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity." - Frank Leahy
7. "Ego is the invisible line item on every company's profit and loss statement." - David Marcum
8. "Ego is the immediate dictate of human consciousness." - Max Planck
9. "Ego is the great enemy. Ego will hold you back every single time." - Robert Greene
10. "The ego is not master in its own house." - Sigmund Freud
Above is Ego quotes sayings.
1. رمضان کا مہینہ برکتوں اور رحمتوں کا مہینہ ہے۔2. رمضان کی برکتوں سے غافل نہ رہو، کیونکہ یہ مہینہ تمہاری مغفرت کا موقع ہے۔3. رمضان کی راتوں میں اللہ کے نام پر دعا کرنا، تمہاری دعاؤں کو قبول کرنے والا ہے۔4. رمضان کی راتوں میں قرآن کی تلاوت کرنا، تمہارے دل کو سکون اور روح کو تسکین دیتا ہے۔5.
1. Love is not finding someone to live with, it's finding someone you can't live without. 2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. I have found the one whom my soul loves. - Song of Solomon 3:44. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. -
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