Egyptian sayings translated

1. "اللي ما يتكلمش بيتكلم"

Translation: "He who does not speak, will be spoken for."

2. "اللي يشوف البعيد يبص للقريب"

Translation: "He who sees the distant, should look at the near."

3. "اللي بيقول اللي بيشوفه ما يعرفش اللي بيتكلم"

Translation: "He who speaks of what he sees, does not know what he is talking about."

4. "اللي يبيع العقل أرخص من الباعة"

Translation: "He who sells his mind is cheaper than the sellers."

5. "اللي يحب يحمي"

Translation: "He who loves, protects."

6. "اللي ما يعرفش يسكت"

Translation: "He who does not know, should be silent."

7. "اللي يسأل ما يضيعش"

Translation: "He who asks will not get lost."

8. "اللي يعيش يشوف"

Translation: "He who lives, sees."

9. "اللي يسرق القلب يتحمل العذاب"

Translation: "He who steals the heart, bears the pain."

10. "اللي يتكلم كتير يسمع كتير"

Translation: "He who talks a lot, hears a lot."

Above is Egyptian sayings translated.

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