Employee appreciation day candy sayings

1. "You're a lifesaver! Thanks for all you do."

2. "You're a star employee! Keep shining bright."

3. "You're the sweetest part of our team."

4. "Thanks for being a treat to work with."

5. "You're worth more than a hundred grand to us."

6. "You're a real smartie! Thanks for all your hard work."

7. "You make our team 'rock'! Thanks for all you do."

8. "You're a real gem! Thanks for all your hard work."

9. "Thanks for being a 'mint' employee."

10. "You're the 'sweet'est part of our team."

Above is Employee appreciation day candy sayings.

Voting finger sayings

1. Your vote is your voice.2. Voting is a privilege, use it wisely.3. Every vote counts.4. Vote like your future depends on it.5. Voting is a civic duty.6. Make your mark, cast your vote.7. The power of change is in your hands.8. Don't complain, vote.9. Democracy is not a spectator

Rex hunt fishing sayings

1. Strike me pink!2. You beauty!3. That's a ripper!4. He's a big boy!5. Fair dinkum!6. I'm as happy as a pig in mud!7. You can't complain about that!8. He's a real bruiser!9. He's a real thumper!10. That's a cracker of a fish!

Dispensable sayings

1. It is what it is.2. Everything happens for a reason.3. Time heals all wounds.4. Just be yourself.5. When one door closes, another one opens.6. What goes around comes around.7. It's all part of God's plan.8. Just think positive.9. Don't worry, be happy.10. Life is too short.

Simple sayings for a sympathy card

1. Thinking of you during this difficult time.2. Sending you love and comfort.3. May memories of happier times bring you peace.4. Wishing you strength and solace in the days ahead.5. In my thoughts and prayers as you grieve.6. May you find moments of peace amidst the sorrow.7. With hear

Best sayings about death

1. Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. - Norman Cousins2. To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. - J.K. Rowling3. Death is the veil which those who live call life; They sleep, and it is lifted. - Percy Byss

Funny environmental sayings

1. Don't be trashy, be classy - recycle!2. Don't be a litterbug, be a litter-hugger!3. Save water, shower together!4. I'm not a tree hugger, I'm a tree high-fiver!5. Reduce, reuse, recycle - in that order, because we all know how lazy we can be!6. I'm so eco-friendly, I fart rainbows!7.

Coffee and donut sayings

1. Donut worry, be happy.2. Life is better with coffee and donuts.3. Donut judge me until you've had your coffee.4. Coffee and donuts make the perfect pair.5. Donut give up, there's always coffee.6. Coffee and donuts: the ultimate comfort food.7. Donut be afraid to take a coffee break.

Solitary quotes sayings

1. Solitude is where I place my chaos to rest and awaken my inner peace. - Nikki Rowe2. In solitude, the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. - Laurence Sterne3. Solitude is the soul's holiday, an opportunity to stop doing for others and to surprise and delight ourselves instead.

Funny friday sayings for facebook

1. Friday: the golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend.2. It's Friday! Time to make stories for Monday.3. Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save the day.4. Friday is my second favorite F word. Food is my first,

Google funny sayings

Here are a few funny sayings that you might enjoy:1. I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing the gravity.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.3. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.4. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.5. I'm not short, I'm just more down to