Engineering sayings t shirts

Here are some engineering-related sayings that would be great for t-shirts:

1. "I'm an engineer, I solve problems you don't know you have in ways you can't understand."

2. "Trust me, I'm an engineer."

3. "Engineering: where the impossible becomes possible."

4. "Keep calm and let the engineer handle it."

5. "I'm not a magician, I'm an engineer."

6. "Engineering: turning dreams into reality."

7. "I speak fluent engineering."

8. "Engineering is my superpower."

9. "I'm an engineer, what's your superpower?"

10. "Engineering: making the world a better place, one design at a time."

These sayings can be printed on t-shirts to showcase your love for engineering and your pride in being an engineer.

Above is Engineering sayings t shirts.

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