Engkish posh sayings

1. "Darling, a touch of elegance never goes out of style."

2. "My dear, good manners are always in fashion."

3. "Sweetheart, a little bit of luxury can go a long way."

4. "My love, sophistication is the key to timeless beauty."

5. "Dearest, a refined taste is the mark of a true connoisseur."

6. "Honey, grace and poise are the hallmarks of a truly posh individual."

7. "My darling, a dash of extravagance can elevate any occasion."

8. "Sweetheart, a hint of opulence can make even the simplest things extraordinary."

9. "My love, a touch of refinement can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary."

10. "Darling, remember that true elegance is always understated."

Above is Engkish posh sayings.

Mental sayings quotes

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Sayings about horses and riders

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