Enthusiasm quotes sayings

1. "Enthusiasm is the electricity of life." - Gordon Parks

2. "Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money and power and influence." - Henry Chester

3. "Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait." - Henry Ford

4. "Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

5. "Enthusiasm is contagious. Be a carrier." - Susan Rabin

6. "Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars." - Henry David Thoreau

7. "Enthusiasm is the engine of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

8. "Enthusiasm is the secret of all beauty." - Christian Dior

9. "Enthusiasm is the key to success. Every great achievement is the result of enthusiastic commitment." - Unknown

10. "Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind." - Bryant H. McGill

Above is Enthusiasm quotes sayings.

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