Equine sayings

1. "Hold your horses" - meaning to be patient or wait

2. "Straight from the horse's mouth" - meaning information from a reliable source

3. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" - meaning to be grateful for what you receive without questioning its value

4. "Get back on the horse" - meaning to persevere or try again after a setback

5. "Wild horses couldn't drag me away" - meaning strong determination or commitment

6. "A horse of a different color" - meaning a completely different situation or topic

7. "Beating a dead horse" - meaning to waste time on a futile effort

8. "Eager beaver" - not directly related to horses, but often used in conjunction with them to describe someone who is enthusiastic or eager to work

9. "Dark horse" - meaning a little-known or unexpected contender who emerges to win

10. "Stubborn as a mule" - referring to the stubborn nature of mules, which are hybrids of horses and donkeys.

Above is Equine sayings.

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