Escapin the circus funny sayings

1. "I'm outta here faster than a clown on a unicycle!"

2. "Time to make like a magician and disappear from this circus!"

3. "I'm hitting the road like a circus acrobat flying through the air!"

4. "I'm escaping this circus like a lion breaking free from its cage!"

5. "I'm leaving this circus behind like a tightrope walker crossing to the other side!"

6. "I'm running away from this circus like a juggler dropping all the balls!"

7. "I'm making my exit like a contortionist bending out of shape!"

8. "I'm fleeing this circus like a trapeze artist swinging to freedom!"

9. "I'm getting out of here like a clown car packed with too many clowns!"

10. "I'm escaping this circus like a daredevil jumping through a ring of fire!"

Above is Escapin the circus funny sayings.

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